2024 Icons

  1. Ron Ansin
  2. Laphonza Butler
  3. Maki Carrousel
  4. Desmond Child
  5. Margaret Chung
  6. Christian Cooper
  7. River Gallo
  8. Robert Garcia
  9. Rob Halford
  10. Jeanne Hoff
  11. Susan Love
  12. George Michael
  13. Kevin Naff
  14. Fabian Nelson
  15. Yannick Nézet-Séguin
  16. Robyn Ochs
  17. Pat Parker
  18. Mark Pocan
  19. Herb Ritts
  20. Beth Robinson
  21. Richard Schneider
  22. Robt Martin Seda-Schreiber
  23. Jackie Shane
  24. Ari Shapiro
  25. Sam Smith
  26. William Dorsey Swann
  27. Peter Tatchell
  28. Diana Taurasi
  29. Colton Underwood
  30. Luther Vandross
  31. Joel Wachs

LGBT History Month 2013 Icons Announced

Equality Forum announced the 31 Icons for LGBT History Month 2013. The 2013 website is online at www.lgbtHistoryMonth.com.

“In its 8th year, there are 248 Icons with resources archived on the site, making LGBT History Month the free go-to site for LGBT role models, civil rights history, and our national and international impact,” stated Malcolm Lazin, Executive Director, Equality Forum and founder of LGBT History Month.

The Icons were selected from more than 500 nominations worldwide by LGBT History Month 2013 Co-Chairs George Chauncey, Samuel Knight Professor of American History and Chair of the History Department, Yale University; Jennifer Brier, Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago; and Don Romesburg, Assistant Professor, Sonoma State University. Professors Brier and Romesburg are Co-Chairs, Committee on LGBT History of the American Historical Association.

LGBT History Month 2013 Icons

1.      Zackie Achmat - South African Activist       

2.      Edward Albee - Playwright  

3.      Gwen Araujo - Transgender Hero     

4.      Reinaldo Arenas - Cuban Author      

5.      Axel Axgil - Activist 

6.      Djuna Barnes - Author           

7.      Joseph Beam - Activist          

8.      Gad Beck - Holocaust Survivor         

9.      Joan Biren - Documentarian  

10.    Patrick Califia - Author          

11.    Mandy Carter - Activist         

12.    Willa Cather - Author

13.    Tracy Chapman - Singer/Songwriter  

14.    Tim Cook – Apple CEO        

15.    Anderson Cooper - Journalist

16.    Elio Di Rupo - Belgium Prime Minister         

17.    Martin Duberman - Historian

18.    Tom of Finland - Artist                     

19.    Brenda Howard – Mother of Pride   

20.    Nathan Lane  - Actor 

21.    Queen Latifah - Entertainer  

22.    Simon Nkoli - South African Activist           

23.    Bruce Nugent - Author                      

24.    Ma Rainey – Mother of the Blues

25.    Sally Ride - National Hero    

26.    Marlon Riggs - Filmmaker     

27.    Vito Russo - Film Historian   

28.    Jose Sarria - Activist              

29.    George Takei - Actor 

30.    Jason Wu – Designer of Michelle Obama’s Gowns

31.    John Lawrence & Tyron Garner – Won a Landmark Gay Rights Case        

Each day in October, an Icon is featured with a video, biography, bibliography, downloadable images and other educational resources. These resources are available for free to the media, educational institutions, organizations and the public.

The 248 Icons from inception in 2006 to 2013 are archived on the site and accessed under “Icon Search” on the top navigation bar. Users, educators and journalists can find Icons in a cloud of more than 150 descriptors/tags.

LGBT History Month was launched in 2006 with 20 organizations having a link on their websites. In 2012, more than 1,000 organizations and educational institutions had a link, making LGBT History Month the LGBT community’s most collaborative project.

Secretary Arne Duncan launched LGBT History Month 2010 at the U.S. Department of Education. Nancy Pelosi issued a proclamation for LGBT History Month 2011.

In 2012, the LA Unified, Broward County (FL), and Palm Beach County (FL) school districts became the first districts to collaborate in LGBT History Month.

LGBT History Month teaches our history, enhances self-esteem, provides inspiring role models and makes a civil rights statement of the LGBT community’s impressive national and international contributions.

For assistance with story ideas, photos and contact information, contact Chip Alfred, Communications Director, Equality Forum, at chip@equalityforum.com or (215) 732-3378 x116.  

Equality Forum (www.equalityforum.com), a national and international LGBT civil rights organization with an educational focus, coordinates LGBT History Month worldwide, produces documentary films, undertakes high-impact initiatives and presents annually the largest national and international LGBT civil rights summit. 


Item Date: 
Wednesday, August 14, 2013