Mel White
2010 Icon


Alston, Joshua. "The Amazing Race's Mike and Mel White." Newsweek. 7 Feb. 2009.

Avery, Dan. "Grace Under Pressure." Advocate. 10 Feb. 2009.

McDowell, Wendy. "White makes case for gay marriage." Harvard Gazette. 22 Apr. 2004.

"Mel's Bio." Mel White. 28 May 2010.

Parsons, Dana. "Mel's Miracle: a Falwell Who Tolerates Gays." The Los Angeles Times. 10 Nov. 1999.

Schwartz, Deb. "The Odd Couple." Oct. 1999.

Books by Mel White

Lust: The Other Side of Love (1978)

Deceived (1979)

Tested by Fire (1979)

Margaret of Molokai (1981)

Mike Douglas: When the Going Gets Tough (1983)

Aquino (1989)

Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America (1995)

Religion Gone Bad: The Hidden Dangers of the Christian Right (2006)


The Amazing Race

Films by Mel White

He Restoreth My Soul

Videos of Mel White

The Gift of Homosexuality – Mel White

Mel White Interview on “Anderson Cooper 360”


Mel White Official Website
